Scientific Committee
- Stelios Mertikas, Technical University of Crete, Greece,
- Craig Donlon, European Space Agency, The Netherlands,
- Erik de Witte, European Space Agency, The Netherlands,
- Robert Cullen, European Space Agency, The Netherlands,
- Pierre Féménias, European Space Agency, Italy,
- Constantin Mavrocordatos, European Space Agency, The Netherlands,
- Jérôme Benveniste, European Space Agency, Italy,
- Remko Scharroo, EUMETSAT, Germany,
- Ole B. Andersen, Danish Technical University, Denmark,
- Pascal Bonnefond, L’Observatoire de Paris, SYRTE, France,
- Francois Boy, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France,
- Jean-Francois Crétaux, LEGOS, France,
- Xiaoli Deng, Newcastle University, Australia,
- Nigel Fox, National Physical Laboratory, UK,
- Bruce Haines, Jet Propulsion Lab/NASA, USA,
- Osamu Isoguchi, Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan, Japan,
- Ambrus Kenyeres, Institute of Geodesy Cartography and Remote Sensing, FOMI, Hungary,
- Ronald Kwok, Jet Propulsion Lab/NASA, USA,
- Lee-Lueng Fu, Jet Propulsion Lab/NASA, USA,
- Mingsen Lin, National Ocean Satellite Application Center, China,
- Aloke K Mathur, Indian Space Research Organization, India,
- Daniel Medeiros Moreira, Geological Survey of Brazil CPRM, Brazil,
- Roland Pail, Technical University of Munich, Germany,
- Ilias N. Tziavos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
- Christopher Watson, University of Tasmania, Australia,
Local Organizing Committee
- Stelios P. Mertikas, Technical University of Crete,
- Achilles Tripolitsiotis, Space Geomatica,
- Stella Galani, Space Geomatica,
- Dionissis Efstathiou, Technical University of Crete,
- Costas Kokolakis, Technical University of Crete,
- Demitris Galanakis, Space Geomatica,
- Xenofon Frantzis, Technical University of Crete.