Conference Dates: 23-26 April 2018
Submit Abstracts by: 21 January 2018 [Extended to 31-Jan-2018]
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 18 February 2018
Early Registration Deadline: 28 February 2018
“International Review Workshop On Satellite Altimetry Cal/Val Activities and Applications"
23-26 April 2018,
Chania, Crete, Greece.
Transponder calibration at the CDN1 ESA Altimeter Calibration Site:
FRM4ALT is continued in the Sentinel-3 Radar Altimeter Calibration in Crete (SeRAC) activity with Operational Support, now in place. The objective of this SeRAC project is to ensure the routine operations and maintenance of the CDN1 transponder Cal/Val site for Sentinel-3A but also for Sentinel-3B Commissioning and Routine Operational Phase. The transponder Cal/Val operations shall be further supported by the sea-surface Cal/val sites established at the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece.